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How to “Get Your Life in Order” (GYLIO)


An interesting article, especially whilst everyone is stuck inside watching rain and snow fall sideways in the UK, from the BBC on the practice of GYLIO and how it can help shape your day to achieve more with less stress. It focuses on life admin and reducing your burden through a series of small changes.

We all have busy lives filled with more boring life admin than anyone wants to deal with. Whilst scrolling through I found myself remembering the staggering amount of time I waste by procrastinating over these things whether it be sorting bills, doing housework or organizing your personal life.

Unfortunately, you can’t simply offload most of these things, without paying someone that is, but one thing you can avoid is slogging through job boards, formatting your CV to look perfect or dealing with too many online assessments. Drop us an email or gives us a call and let us take the stress out of finding your next role so you’ve got more time to focus on everything else.

- by Davey Peyton

Posted by: Beament Leslie Thomas